Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Here I am with the blogger name "A Knotty Knitter" and I haven't written one thing yet about knitting ...  and I knit at least a little bit every day. 

I like to knit socks ... at least so far I do.  I have finished one pair and I'm almost finished with my second pair, but I'm hooked.  I'm not really sure why they are so appealing to me.  I've been knitting two at a time and that is challenging. Socks are knitted on very thin needles with very thin yarn, called "fingerling weight" or sock yarn and that is challenging.  I'm a perfectionist when it comes to knitting ... so I have restarted this pair at least 4 times because I kept making mistakes that I couldn't "fix" .... that has been challenging.  I haven't taken a knitting class so I am learning to do this by reading sock knitting books & knitting blogs and watching knitting videos on YouTube .... and that has been challenging!!  Did you even know there were knitting videos on YouTube ?? .... me neither!!

My first pair of socks! 
I'm not sure what the fascination about knitting socks is for me.  I am not a fast knitter and so even knitting a pair of socks ... which would seem like a quick project, so far has taken me a long time to finish (starting over four times might be a factor!)  However, there is great satisfaction seeing the socks take shape and actually trying them on as I go along. When I wear them after I'm finished I can say ..... "I did that!!" I have knitted hats, scarves, sweaters, baby blankets & throws ....  but somehow the satisfaction of putting on a pair of socks that I have knitted is more awesome than anything!

However, in all honesty I must say that buying sock yarn might be more appealing to me than the actual knitting ...  I have an embarrassing amount of it in my "stash" .... my yarn stash ... not a drug stash ;)  Accumulating a stash is a recurring theme in my "crafting life" ... which is begging to be a subject in a later post!!

SO if you want ...  I would be happy to knit you a pair of socks ... stand in line and be prepared to wait .. for it may take a very long time :~)  AND  BTW  most of the yarn I have is in colors that I think my grand-daughters would like it. SO you just might want to go to Target to buy your next pair of socks!
Just say'n  :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan!

I also like knitting socks, although I'm terribly slow about it despite doing two at a time, too many other projects going on.

Another excellent source of knitting videos is , it's always my go-to-first site when I want to see how something works.

Happy knitting!